
What is Roulette?

A roulette wheel consists of a spinning disk with divisions around its edge that revolves around the base of a bowl. A ball is spun around the outside of the bowl until eventually the ball and wheel come to rest with the ball in one of the divisions.The divisions around the wheel are numbered from 1 to 36 in a seemingly random pattern and alternate red and black. Additionally, there is a green division numbered 0.

Rules to know :
Assuming that the possible bets are all understood, Roulette is essentially a trivially simple game to play. For each turn, once all bets have been placed, the dealer spins the wheel, and rolls the ball in the opposite direction. When the ball comes to a halt in one of the slots, the dealer announces the result. 

How to Play Roulette?
As the ball is whirling around the roulette wheel, put your chips down on your favourite numbers, colour (as long as it’s red or black). You can bet on the numbers 1 to 36, which alternate in colour between red and black, plus 0 which is green. When the ball lands on the number or colour you bet on, you win.